
lcps.slidingWindow.get_localMedian(flux, iWinStart, winSize, Nneighb=1)[source]

Find the local median and MAD of fluxes, ignoring the current window.

get_localMedian computes the median flux and the median absolute deviation (MAD) in the neighboring windows. The flux in the current window is ignored.


flux : narray

A numpy array with the flux data

iWinStart : int

Index of the first datum in the current window

winSize : int

Size of a window

Nneighb : int

Number of neighboring windows to be considered for the averaging (At the boundaries of the time series, the considered data extends to the beginning or end of the array, respectively)


localMedian : float

Median of the flux in the windows neighboring the current one

MAD : float

median absolute deviation of the current window’s neighborhood