
lcps.lcps_batch Module

Batch processing of light curve files.

This module contains routines to process large number of light curve files in FITS format. It includes an argument parser to run an lcps batch job from the shell.


batchjob(path[, logfile, winSize, stepSize, ...]) Check all light curve files in a folder for transit signatures.
lcps_output(logtable, logfile, winSize, ...) Write table with dips to file.
open_csv(filename) Open a light curve file in csv format and extract from it flux time series.
open_fits(filename) Open a light curve file in the usual Kepler FITS format and extract the PDCSAP light curve.
open_k2sff(filename) Extract a light curve from a ‘K2SFF’ ascii file.
vstack(tables[, join_type, metadata_conflicts]) Stack tables vertically (along rows)

lcps.lcps_io Module

Auxiliary functions for light curve file handling.

Contains functions to extract Kepler PDCSAP and user-provided K2SFF light curves.


open_csv(filename) Open a light curve file in csv format and extract from it flux time series.
open_fits(filename) Open a light curve file in the usual Kepler FITS format and extract the PDCSAP light curve.
open_k2sff(filename) Extract a light curve from a ‘K2SFF’ ascii file.

lcps.slidingWindow Module

Core algorithms of the lcps package.

This module contains the dip search routine that is based on a “sliding window” technique, as well as additional helper functions.


dipsearch(EPICno, photometry[, winSize, ...]) Use a sliding window technique to search for dips in photometric time series.
findDip(timeWindow, fluxWindow[, minDur, ...]) Search for negative excursions (dips) in an array.
get_localMedian(flux, iWinStart, winSize[, ...]) Find the local median and MAD of fluxes, ignoring the current window.