
lcps.lcps_batch.batchjob(path, logfile='./dips.log', winSize=10, stepSize=1, Nneighb=1, minDur=2, maxDur=5, detectionThresh=0.995)[source]

Check all light curve files in a folder for transit signatures.

batchjob forwards all FITS files in the path to the dip search of the slidingWindow module. Any detected dips are stored in an Astropy table candidates together with the EPIC number of the target.


path : str

folder which is scanned for fits files

logfile : str

output file for dips

winSize : int

Size of a sliding window

stepSize : int

steps per slide (Default = 1, i.e. slide one data point per iteration)

Nneighb : int

Number of neighboring windows per side to be considered for the local median (At the boundaries of the time series, the considered data extends to the beginning or end of the array, respectively)

minDur : int

minimum dip duration in # of data points

maxDur : int

maximum dip duration in # of data points

detectionThresh : float

fraction of flux below which a dip is registered


candidates : Astropy table

table with detected dips