Source code for lcps.lcps_io

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Auxiliary functions for light curve file handling. 

Contains functions to extract Kepler PDCSAP and user-provided K2SFF light 

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits, ascii
import warnings
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

[docs]def open_fits(filename): """ Open a light curve file in the usual Kepler FITS format and extract the PDCSAP light curve. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name of the FITS file containing the light curve data Returns ------- EPICno : int EPIC number ('KEPLERID' in the hdu header) photometry : Astropy table Columns are time in BJD - 2454833, PDCSAP flux, PDCSAP flux error Example ------- >>> filename = 'tests/ktwo205919993-c03_llc.fits' >>> EPICno, photometry = open_fits(filename) """ try: hdulist = except IOError: warnings.warn("Could not open FITS file.", AstropyUserWarning) return None EPICno = hdulist[1].header['KEPLERID'] tbdata = hdulist[1].data hdulist.close() # extract light curve data from hdu time = tbdata['TIME'] flux = tbdata['PDCSAP_FLUX'] flux_err = tbdata['PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR'] photometry = Table([time, flux, flux_err], names = ('TIME', 'FLUX','FLUX_ERR')) # remove nans photometry = photometry[~np.isnan(photometry['FLUX'])] return EPICno, photometry
[docs]def open_csv(filename): """ Open a light curve file in csv format and extract from it flux time series. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name of the ascii file containing the photometry Returns ------- filename : str The filename serves as a unique identifier for the object photometry : Astropy table Columns are named after the file header and contain time, flux """ photometry =, format='csv') return filename, photometry
[docs]def open_k2sff(filename): """ Extract a light curve from a 'K2SFF' ascii file. The default aperture light curve data of this product are not strictly 'comma-separated' and lead to crashes when opened by standard Astropy ascii I/O functions. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name of the ascii file containing the photometry Returns ------- filename : str The filename serves as a unique identifier for the object photometry : Astropy table Columns contain time, flux Example ------- >>> filename = 'tests/220132548' >>> filename, photometry = open_k2sff(filename) """ with open(filename, 'r') as infile: lines = infile.readlines() phot = np.zeros([len(lines) - 1, 2]) for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): # strip trailing comma and '\n' and save to a table line = line.rstrip(',\n') line = line.split(',') phot[i][:] = line photometry = Table(phot, names = ('TIME', 'FLUX')) # remove nans photometry = photometry[~np.isnan(photometry['FLUX'])] return filename.split('/')[-1], photometry
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()